(NaturalNews) Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. This is an extremely contagious virus and is spread easily by kissing or touching an active sore. Cold sores can even be spread by using the cup or utensils of someone who is having a cold sore outbreak. Natural prevention and control includes careful hand washing and building the immune system so that the body is able to withstand outbreaks of the virus. There are also several holistic options for controlling the herpes virus.
A cold sore begins with a prodromal period that often involves a tingling or burning sensation on the lips. The next progression is a fluid-filled sac that contains the active virus. Eventually this sac bursts and this creates an open wound that will finally dry up to form a scab.
Conventional medicine states that there is no cure for the herpes virus. The virus typically lies dormant without any symptoms until a person is exposed to certain stressors. These possible stressors include overexposure to the sun, personal stress, illness, and fatigue. Any time the body is weakened the herpes virus will become active and a cold sore may form.
Usually, the herpes virus only causes sores around the mouth area. However, in severe cases the virus may spread to the eyes. If this happens, loss of vision may occur if care is not sought promptly.
Because of the nature of the herpes virus, treatment is difficult. Conventional medical care may involve the drug Acyclovir for symptom control. It's important to realize that this drug will not cure the herpes virus, but merely controls symptoms and decreases outbreak duration.
Turning to natural remedies to strengthen the immune system is an effective choice. By strengthening the body's ability to defend against the herpes virus, one can also improve their overall health at the same time.
Holistic Remedies for Cold Sores:
L-lysine -- An amino acid that can be taken daily for prevention. 500 mg per day is reportedly effective for preventing outbreaks. Yogurt is high in L-lysine and can be consumed daily for prevention.
Ferrum Phos -- Useful for inflammations.
Homeopathic Nosodes of the Herpes Virus -- Dilutions of the actual herpes virus is made into a remedy for that particular virus.
In addition to these, goldenseal and grape seed extract, Echinacea, and olive leaf extract can be taken orally or in cream form (applied directly upon the cold sore). Another home remedy for treatment of cold sores is to place a drop of hydrogen peroxide directly on the cold sore.
Another thing to note is that anyone fighting the herpes virus should refrain from eating foods that contain high amounts of L-arginine. This is found in peanuts and peanut butter, chocolate, and caffeinated drinks. L-arginine actually feeds the virus and encourages more rapid growth and spreading.
The most important thing to remember is to thoroughly wash hands with strong soap and hot water if direct contact with a herpes cold sore occurs. This should prevent the spread of the virus.